We bridge the gap in services for our community’s most vulnerable refugee groups.
What is The Human Element?
Definition: The Human Element is a systematic approach for improving the way people work together leading to greater accomplishment of goals and better individual, team, and organizational performance.
The Human Element Foundation systematically approaches shortfalls in the refugee experience, engaging committed citizens to improve the lives of recent refugee populations by working together to lead to better outcomes and to the ultimate accomplishment of our goal: to lift up and support those in need in the refugee community.
Community Support and Outreach
“Small acts, when multiplied, can transform the world.” - Howard Zinn
We support refugees and other at-risk groups by organizing grass-roots efforts in our community. Whether it be receiving, organizing, and disseminating donations (both in-kind and monetary), or through one-on-one interactions with a translator to assist families with specific needs, we leverage our ability to support these groups with a combination of manpower and sheer willpower.
If you are interested in joining our efforts, or for more information, please contact us.
Literacy Support
Refugees can often face special hurdles upon their arrival to our country. Some are fortunate enough to have English language skills, but there are many more who do not.
We assist refugees with enrollment in English classes, whether it be through their Resettlement Agency or by providing on-site learning opportunities with volunteers. We supply them with learning tools, as well as computers and access to online learning programs.
For those who are interested in starting or continuing University study, we assist with admission fees, tuition assistance, fees for books and materials, and computers.
“For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in general, a basic human right,” - Kofi Annan
Financial Support
It is difficult to find employment without English, so we help families by giving them an extension to their government benefits, which can take weeks to kick in, leaving them with food instability, or often run out before they are able to secure gainful employment.
We offer financial support to refugees in the form of rental assistance, food deliveries, tuition assistance, and more. It is our objective to ensure those we serve will have food on the table, a roof over their heads, and the lights and heat on.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill
Logistical Support
Transportation to grocery stores, markets, school, and work can pose a problem for recent refugee arrivals. We offer transportation support, and instruction on how to navigate our public transit systems, as well as providing funds to establish Ventra or other transportation system accounts.
We also assist with administrative support services, such as assisting with booking medical appointments, enrollment in school, and so much more.
“With the support from The Human Element Foundation, we have been able to serve our clients better than ever.”
— Paul H., case manager, Ethiopian Community Association of Chicago

Feel free to contact us with any questions or if you would like more information on how you can volunteer.