“Do your little bit of good, where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” - Desmond Tutu
Our organization started from the idea that one person, doing what she could, how she could, when she could, with what she could, could make an impact. A small impact, but an impact nonetheless.
But take that idea, and multiply it by 3 more concerned and dedicated members of a church; multiply that effort by a dedicated and devoted teacher of English; multiply that effort by over 100 more kind and generous neighbors, and then you have a movement.
Our vision is to help change the world, one person’s world at a time. By devoting our time, love, care, and resources in a bespoke manner to refugee families in our community, and the underserved in our broader geographic area, we are able to shape and impact a new generation of Americans.
We are a country of immigrants, not all refugees, but descended from people coming to this beautiful country to take part in the great experiment of democracy and freedom. Families seeking religious sanctuary, families seeking better financial or educational opportunities, families fleeing violence or political upheaval. But whoever we are, and from wherever we have come, there is one common denominator that makes all this change possible: the human element.
It takes just one person to make a difference; I encourage you to be that person. Join us.
Kara Todd
Executive Director